How much does it cost to create an e-Commerce app similar to Noon?

How much does it cost to create an eCommerce app similar to Noon?

eCommerce App like Noon

One of the top items on the list of things people can’t leave home without is a smart device. We use smartphones everywhere, and they’ve become our allies, assisting us with completing various daily tasks such as communication, banking, ordering food, and searching for routes. One of them is shopping. With the advent of digitization, the entire e-commerce industry transformed into a web/mobile-based enterprise. Shopping Spree, Shopaholic, Fashionista, and so on have all been digitized. Who hasn’t fantasized about running a successful business with a crowded store? An eCommerce clone app, such as Noon, can turn your dream into a reality, allowing you to reach users worldwide. As a result, Wama Technology, the leading e-commerce app development company, will advise you on the e-Commerce app development cost like Noon. 

Noon, a $1 billion e-commerce site, was founded by Mohamed Alabbar. It is a Lifestyle shopping app that is organized by region. With the largest online selection of leading brands in various categories such as electronics, fashion, health/beauty, fragrances, grocery, baby products, and homeware, Noon is the one-stop-shopping app for all of your desired needs.

Noon Characteristics

  • Sign in/Register
  • Delivered to your door for free
  • Products can be found using advanced filters and simple navigation.
  • Put items in your shopping carts or wish lists.
  • Payment options that are convenient Cash on delivery, credit card, and debit card are all accepted.

How can I make a shopping app similar to Noon?

Some of the fundamental features to consider when developing an Online Shopping app like Noon:


If you want to create a mobile shopping app like Noon that will attract your target customers, onboarding should be quick and simple; don’t make users spend more time filling out information. The best way to speed up onboarding is to allow users to sign up through third-party apps like Facebook and Google.

User Information

The first thing a user will need is to register with your application. Personal profiles will allow you to learn more about your customers and their preferences.

Several Accounts

If you want to claim a marketplace, you should consider both a user account and a seller account. Seller accounts should be integrated with additional products, receive payment, and communicate with customers.

The Landing Page

Your application’s landing page is the first thing your users will see after signing up. Therefore, make sure it includes the most important/interesting information for your audience. For example, your landing page could display discounts/offers with the most recent arrangements or the most popular product category.

Catalog of Products

The product catalog in your e-commerce app serves as the application’s focal point. Your catalog should be visually appealing, and the most common way is to create tiles with images, item names, and prices. Another approach is to make a list of similar components that go legitimately beneath each other. You can also show a portion of an item representation if it fits well into your application format.

Product Listings

Each product in a category has a unique description that includes information such as the Product image, Price, description, Reviews, and Add to Cart button.

Filters/Advanced Search

The advanced search should be advantageously divided into various categories. It’s good to incorporate smart search into your application to anticipate what users are typing in. In any case, filters are the primary way customers search: by price, type, color, and other attributes.

Cart and Favorites

Your users should be able to add an item to their top favorites or cart. The cart is one of the final stages of the purchasing process, and cart abandonment is the most well-known issue for retailers. 

Notifications via Push

Push Notification is most likely the most valuable feature of mobile applications. They’re quick and brilliant, and studies show that the open rate for push notifications is very high. Push notifications allow you to interact with your users, encourage them to buy, and inform them about alerts, bonuses, and discounts.

Product Reviews and Ratings

When it comes to online shopping, the reviews of other people who have purchased an item are frequently the most important thing users can rely on.


One of the most important features of an e-commerce app is the payment option. Your application must handle payments quickly and effectively, as most users will abandon their shopping carts if something goes wrong during the checkout process.

Status of Order and Delivery

After placing an order, you must keep your users up to date on its progress. It’s standard practice to send a push notification when an order is sent, along with the estimated delivery time. When the order arrives, you should send a notification to your customer.

How much does it cost to create an eCommerce app similar to Noon?

The cost of Noon App Development may vary depending on various factors such as app platform, appealing app design, wire-frame, the complexity of app development, and add-on technologies. However, the average cost of developing an e-commerce app like Noon is between $15k and $50k.

Wama Technology, the leading Mobile app development company, has years of experience developing high-quality e-commerce apps on a comprehensive budget. Hopefully, this blog has given you an understanding of how Noon has captured the market’s interest. If you have a similar app concept and are searching for specialists to help you develop it in the same way you envisioned, please contact us or leave a comment below.