Travel Portal Development Company in Dubai | Travel Website

Best Travel Website Development | Travel Portal Development in Dubai

The quality of the holiday depends on the travel agency that organizes it. Therefore, users carefully choose a tour operator: they consider several companies at once and compare their offers and reviews. Under such conditions, travel website development is a necessity for a travel agency. Your own page allows you to attract more visitors, convince them to choose your company, and increase profits.


Travel website design

For Travel Portal Development in Dubai, design is key. The page should look unusual, attract attention, and create a feeling of perfect relaxation. Users often associate travel with the exotic, adventure, and positive emotions. Therefore, bright elements and flash animation will be appropriate on the site. But do not forget about the target audience. You should choose a more discreet design if your main segment is older couples.

To make the site easy to use, add a page search function. This is especially true for large agencies offering many services and referrals. Do not overload the site menu; try to structure the presented material as much as possible.

Users often search for information from smartphones or tablets. Therefore, the site design should be responsive so that the page displays correctly on all types of devices.

Site features for a travel agency and information requirements

People associate travel with something special, new experiences, and exotic. The visual design of the travel agency page should correspond to this – rich colours, unusual design, and interesting animation. This will increase the likelihood that the visitor will “stick” and not go to competitors.

The content on the page should be updated regularly so that the visitor always has access to up-to-date information about visas, flights, and hotels. Be sure to add the price list for tours and individual agency services. If you offer trips to exotic places, tell in detail about the possible risks and features of such trips.

What should be on a travel agency website?

In order for a visitor to choose your agency and arrange a tour, the site must be informative and inspire confidence. Therefore, you need to think over a logical, intuitive page structure when it comes to travel website development.

Travel destinations

Provide information about the main countries, directions in which the travel agency specializes to tell the customers about their features, and the optimal season for travel.

Special offers and last-minute tours

Add a section with special rates and discounts to encourage as many site visitors as possible to buy. This will be the final push for those who are not 100% ready to buy but do not want to miss out on a great offer.

Services and prices

The service block should provide complete information about what exactly your company offers. Instalment payments, home delivery of documents, free airport transfer – highlight the services that set you apart from your competitors.

Selection of tours

Users are often not sure what type of vacation will suit them and will meet their expectations and budget. Therefore, offer an online consultation or a short quiz. So you will help to choose a tour directly on the site and convert page visitors into customers of your travel agency.

Feedback Widgets

Add the ability to order a call or ask a question online to your site. This will help the user quickly get the necessary information at a convenient time for him.

Online booking and payment system for the tour

Website visitors will appreciate the opportunity to book a tour and pay for it online without having to personally visit the office of a travel agency. So the company will not be limited by the office work schedule or only by those regions where its branches are represented. This will help increase sales.

Blog with useful travel information

Users often search for travel information online. They are interested in obtaining a visa, the possibility of travelling with small children, and new directions of tourism. An expert blog will answer your questions and help you promote your travel company website.


In addition to the address and business hours, add as many ways as possible to contact you. E-mail and phone number is not convenient for all users. Therefore, provide links to instant messengers and social networks of the agency.

Travel company website promotion

The difficulty of promoting a travel site is that it competes not only with the pages of other travel agencies but also with aggregators. Therefore, in order to bring such a site to the TOP of search engine results, you need to optimize it as much as possible – from structure and images to text content and download speed.

For SEO promotion of travel agency pages, you need to choose the right keywords. If the texts on the site will respond to popular Internet queries, then the page will rank better. An expert blog with useful articles will help with this.

Promoting the site of a travel agency through social networks is also suitable. Create a company profile on Instagram, share beautiful photos of exotic places and interesting facts about them, and announce hot tours. To attract followers, partner with travel bloggers. The main task of such a profile is to encourage a visitor to go to your site, book a trip, and recommend you to friends.

Travel landing pages

Tour landing pages are relevant for selling specific travel destinations offered by the agency. If you specialize in several countries, create a landing page for each of them. So you better emphasize the advantages of tours, you can tell in more detail about the sights, important details. Travel landing pages are also suitable for increasing sales of special offers, last minute trips.

In conclusion, a well-designed Travel Portal Development in Dubai with visually appealing graphics and easy navigation is essential in attracting potential customers and increasing sales. Web marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing, are also important in driving traffic to the website and increasing brand awareness. Travel landing pages showcasing unique tours and travel experiences can also help convert potential customers into actual bookings. Lastly, providing important information such as travel itineraries, customer reviews, and contact details can help build customer trust and credibility. 

When it comes to developing a web travel portal, Wama Technology is the best choice. They have a team of experts who specialize in web design, development, and marketing and can help create a custom website that meets your specific needs and requirements. Their experience and expertise in the travel industry can also provide valuable insights and recommendations to help your website succeed. 

Khimji Tourism Dubai is a website developed by Wama Technology, a web design and web development company. The website serves as an online platform for Khimji Tourism, a leading travel agency in Dubai that offers a wide range of tourism services, including flight bookings, hotel reservations, sightseeing tours, desert safaris, and more.

The website has a sleek and modern design, with a user-friendly interface that allows visitors to easily navigate through the different sections and find the information they need. The homepage features stunning images of Dubai’s iconic landmarks, as well as a brief introduction to Khimji Tourism and its services.

One of the standout features of the website is its online booking system, which allows customers to easily book their flights, hotels, and tours directly through the website. The booking process is simple and intuitive, with clear instructions and prompts guiding the user through each step.

In addition to the booking system, the website also includes a comprehensive list of the different services offered by Khimji Tourism, along with detailed descriptions and pricing information. Visitors can also read reviews from previous customers and learn more about the company’s history and values.

Overall, the Khimji Tourism Dubai website developed by Wama Technology is an excellent example of a well-designed and functional tourism website. Its intuitive interface, online booking system, and comprehensive information make it a valuable resource for anyone planning a trip to Dubai.

Contact Wama Technology if you are looking to develop your travel website at a very affordable price.